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Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :[/IMG]

>>>> Another - ANOTHER movie about Katrina? I'll bet it'll show all those poor New Orleanders whining for handouts again like all the other ones.
I got an idea. Why don't they make a film about how the evacuees made the yearly violent crime stats of the cities that took them in, gave them money, employment opportunities and a place to stay skyrocket by more than 20% in the first month that they arrived?
I know this GREAT story of this girl who got fined $100 for beating the crap out of one of those "Poor Katrina Victims" that tried to hurt her pregnant friend in school. That Girl was my daughter protecting her friend.
(LOL after the case, in plain sight of the faggot judge, I gave her $100 for doing the right thing) Then there's the nice Church lady down the road that welcomed three of them into her home. They repaid her kindness by slashing her throat and stealing her car.

And, this should hit home for any other American that's been hit with disaster and depended on FEMA for help.
Show a documentary about how when these people were given hotel vouchers and $3000 FEMA cards, instead of getting a place to stay, a car or decent clothes to look for a job with, they blew it all on Big screens, bling and figured out a scam to transfer that into dope money.
yeah, you could make a decent Katrina Movie, if it included THAT.
LOL the intro of the movie could show the footage of "victims" shooting at rescue helicopters for not picking them up first.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from nikopdr :It's a neat idea, but it will only provide more fatness to the muricans.

Besides, where has all the patience gone? I find no problem waiting more than a week for an order.

How's that? You know it could be delivering exercise equipment - like the Shake Weight? or the Thigh Master? But you never thought of that, did you?
Nah, you're just another greasy foreign kid from some third world country. somewhere out by Canada or Africa or somewhere.
Hell, I probably hired your cousin out of a Home Depot parking lot to cut my grass a couple a times.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from RemoteChicken :So theres this guy with the username " Shagger " and he wont stop stalking me i mean srsly every server i go to 1 sec - 1 min later he gos on the server.

ive gone on every server even one he hates and he keeps stalking me.
its getting to the point where its anoying as hell and advice?


....How do you know which ones he hates?
Also, with the amount of populated servers being what they are, are you sure he(?) is stalking you as much as just trying to find a server with people in it?
There has to be something else going on in order for it to be seriously considered stalking. Is this every time you log on? Are they harassing you? Calling you names or threats or something too? If any of that is happening, I think under the TOS or whatever, LFS can ban this person from the master server....I think.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :!!

Why is this so difficult!





I really DON'T care......
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :haha, good luck getting a 17 year old insured on either of those for less than £5000, if they'll even do it at all.

What about pick-up trucks? Are they cheaper to insure than sedans over there?
The draw back to owning a pick-up though is how many friends call you up when they want to move.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from sgt.flippy :Didn't expect to see this.

Went ahead and live with my girlfriend now, last time I visited here it says 14th October 2012, last post was in June 2012.

Wanted to see what's going on lately, figured I'd come and see how S3 would work, since last time I checked in it was on the verge of being released. Was very curious about the Scirocco as well.

So now I'm VERY surprised to see my version of LFS isn't outdated, I only need a patch from 0.6B to 0.6E, wow...

I don't call this practically dead, to me this is dead. Especially since I last checked last year, there already were threads about when those updates would FINALLY happen, cause it was taking so darn long.

I am dissappointed All the time I took to get out extra speakers for my laptop and getting the good old DFP out again, for nothing.

I remember you! Yeah, you're right. I started re-playing about... I dunno a year or so? I was looking forward to having to plunk down another 20 pounds for S3 too. I'm not really disappointed as I got more than my money's worth from LFS but I am quite intrigued as to why it's been this long (I think I quit playing around 2007?) and not much was needed to get current.
I only play single player and I don't even bother with the wheel. I play old school with the mouse and K/Board now LOL I think I have more fun that ways anyhow. I lost all the skins I had and ain't quite sure how to get them back. Oh well. It's not all that high on my priority list anyways.
But I am stuck on something. I'm trying to make a decent rally set-up for the RAC.
I was going to make some more skins, but I dunno. I really could care less what the car looks like and I doubt anyone out there is that hard up for car skins anyways. Plus, they changed that all up now. I wouldn't know how to upload a skin nowadays if Scawen himself held my hand through the whole process.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from askoff :First of all we can't do too much. We can onyl affect the people around us and help them mostly. But this issue is global and world is in different development stages in different places. So the people who haven't got this far are still going to learn these things in future.

It's not that simple IMO. Sure getting the food is quite easy for most of us with the first world "problems". We can still evolve and try to pursue towards the happiness. That's the point in life nowadays because most of the mandatory needs are mostly secured for many of us (not all of course). One part of the happiness is the possibility to enjoy entertainment, but mostly it comes inside of us. If you are not threatened by anyone, mostly what keeps you unhappy is yourself. If you are unhappy or suffer from something, you might think it's the fault of somebody (yourself or someone else) and wan't to revenge it.
When you learn to be happy, the happines will spread around you. And your kids might not see a need to do harm for others either.

You make valid points. As the planet shrinks with better connectivity, we're going to have a whole new set of problems and will hopefully get rid of some old ones as well.

But this part:
" We can still evolve and try to pursue towards the happiness. That's the point in life nowadays because most of the mandatory needs are mostly secured for many of us (not all of course)."

A very big problem in the "first world" is people seem to take what they have for granted. They fail to realize how easily all those secured mandatory needs
can become unsecured.
Our little global village has a very dark cloud looming on the horizon. It is the result of current global development. And it's made up of everything from changing ideologies and shifting socio-economic progress and failure patterns to these little script kiddies attacking game servers and Monsanto's Frankenfood. Whether or not this cloud turns into a beneficial rain or a severe storm remains to be seen, but it is out there.
And the habit we seem to have of making things like food and resource gathering a casual afterthought might not be such a good habit to have.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Man... I'm so glad I grew up when I did. YOu kids today.... I know you're from the UK, so I can understand not even almost wanting an American Car...
But back in the day, you could get used muscle cars dirt cheap. I imagine the same could be said about the UK for jensen interceptors and Tr7s and that one jaguar model that looked like a 1070's MG. Oh well. Different day. Different age.
LOL whatever car you get, you need these: ... 15-inch-84s-extreme-poke/
....OK so maybe not...
Last edited by Racer Y, .
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :Boring wrinkly answer.

What's the cheapest piece of crap that costs the least for insurance, as from my understanding that's stupidly expensive in the USSGB.

Driving a piece of crap at the limits, ie 60 mph, is far more fun than some expensive set of wheels that costs bulk money.

A key point that most people completely fail to understand is that, unless you run a business, a car is a LIABIITY, NOT AN ASSET !!!

(Accounting 101)

You will crash, ding it, have it stolen etc etc etc

I'm also supremely confident you won't listen to this so do what you like

Yeah, that....
LOL I remember my "first" car. A 1974 Buick Electra with power everything. It was as big as the UK. For 250 bucks, It drove like a dream til I got it home and parked driveway after buying it. Then it had a massive electrical short. that was an expensive fix. Sold it for 300 dollars and bought a 1970 chevy malibu. It ran good, but looked like crap. God I had all sorts of fun in that car.

Hmmmm.... I really don't know anything about the cars you mentioned, kid.
My best advice is to decide exactly what you want from a car.
Are you just trying to get from point A to point B?
Do you think that you'll mutate into a gear head and want to customize or tune this car later? If so, then I'd suggest getting the model that has the most aftermarket support.
But personally, i'd just be concerned with just getting from point A to point B.
You have your whole mid-life crisis ahead of you for a sports/muscle car.
Another thing, don't just look for a car. Look for friends that can work on cars too. Try and take them or some sort of mechanic with you when you look at the car you're interested in buying.
ROFL going by current car commercials, you ought to pay attention to the most important part of the car. Does it have a good sound system?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Wow... I didn't think that this could get THAT deep. But as it is....
I really don't think these kids will grow up to be the ones with the dead hookers in the closet or the neighbors telling the news crews that "they were such a nice quiet person".
I can see this behavior leading to more serious problems if left unchecked in some cases and most likely internet based.
My son pissed off some little hacker kid in an online game. He figured out the IP numbers of every computer, actually router my son used and SWATed them. We had the cops come here THREE TIMES because of some half baked phone call from a foreign country claiming all sorts of things. The last one, we were supposedly terrorists in the middle of making bombs or anthrax or something. But since they were already called out two other times, I think they only thought they needed to send out Half the swat team. One of the calls was a black hummer with black guys in black hoodies were home invading us in broad daylight and shots were fired... I think this was supposed to be some sort of cyber bullying. If it was, it didn't work.
Cyber bullying is something I'll never understand. And that's from both sides. Is the cyber bully ignorant enough to think that there won't be consequences for their actions? And why doesn't the victim realize the ease with which turning the tables on the bully can be accomplished?

This may be a little off topic, but If some goofy kid from another country can get the cops to come out here in force with some stupid call straight out of a hollywood movie, how come they put me on hold when I call 911 and report someone committing a real crime in the neighborhood?

I think bullying and these kids that attack servers should be looked at in a different light and be considered as behavior problems that possibly replace the fire making and the animal cruelty of traditional social defects. Again, just cause these kids are doing this, I doubt they all will devolve into the serial killers or sociopathic criminals that we all know and love. I just think that these could be signs that one might be heading that way though. And as Askoff suggests, I agree that more parental involvement is the key to keeping it down.
I think the lack of parental involvement now is due to the parent's lack of internet knowledge too. Sure they know about filters and settings, but they wouldn't know what to do if the kid is shutting down someone's server and if they were born before 1970, I doubt they'd know to even be aware of those types of problems, much less a kid calling out of country police departments on people that shot him in Call of Duty.
I think that maybe when the millenials themselves start having kids, you'll see things change. But aside from that we and our servers are apparently at the mercy of some mildly maladjusted teeny bopper and their frustrated hormones.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Before this whiner thread gets locked, I'd like to state that I want some additional content too.
I want as I've always wanted the last ten years two things.
I want flaming trash cans instead of tires in so. city tracks and a track with a loop in it.
DDos psychology
Racer Y
S3 licensed
There are a lot of posts complaining of servers being shut down by these clowns.
I'm pretty sure it happens in almost all online games.
What I'm wondering is does it happen more often in simulation games or FPS games? Is it games that are more difficult to play than others that get hit the most? If a person fails consistently at playing a game are they more inclined to DDos the servers hosting it? Like some sort of sore loser? Or is it just hormones stirring around in a tween?
Could there be a possibility of competitors doing this to rivals' servers as a way to promote their game? I wouldn't think that would be a reason to consider with LFS as there really isn't an overly saturated market for racing games, much less simulations. But with the rise of indy developers, one group of devs for one title might decide messing up the online of their competition as a way to generate more sales for them.
I dunno... maybe I just watched too many crime shows and am trying to find a profile to base these people on.
To all you server hosts getting hit by these idiots...
Could be worse. They could decide to SWAT you. Trust me. That sucks.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :There are no words to explain the lack of intelligence that you have displayed.

Man that's pretty bad if YOU can't come up with a reply....
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :I used to fly these, I had about ten of them at one point; the biggest being my Optima, with about 3 inch diameter and maybe four feet long.

Yeah, my brother was into those for a while. LOL He made a rocket out of a carpet tube and paneling for fins and a disposable cup for a nose.
He put in a big motor... a "C"? or "D"?
Any ways the rocket was waaaayy too heavy. It looked like all the propellant in the rocket engine shot out one end. The nose took off in a ball of flame. The rest of the rocket just sort of sat there smoking.

We used to get model cars (remember those?) and build them modified for rocket motors. That was fun. Most of the time they just spun wildly and disintegrated
But every now and then you'd get a decent car set up and those cars would burn down the road.... maybe 70mph?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
I used to do environmental remediation (that's a fancy title for a guy that handles toxic waste) A big chunk of the work involved analytical chemistry. We would use some of the chemical wastes to neutralize others. We also built radioactive shields and dealt with radioactive waste as well. Anyways, I worked for a guy that claimed to have made a rocket fuel out... boiling a can of evaporated milk! I don't remember what else he mixed up with it. I just remember the can of milk and getting it real hot. Not that I'd do or recommend anyone doing something that damned dangerous for a rocket when there's always Estes, but I am curious now as what this guy did. Do you have any idea about what I'm talking about? This guy was older than me and he did this in the 1950's. There were all sorts of idiots in America trying to build homemade rockets and filling up emergency rooms back then. They used mostly the obvious like gasoline, alcohol and gunpowder. But evaporated milk???
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Well LFS is a racing simulator that you buy because you get sick of the wreckers in demo land, you go out and spend more money on a wheel, then you stay on the forums all the time whining about no new content or about drifters or whatever.
You know, I really shouldn't be posting while listening to Rage against the Machine...
Anyways... Welcome to LFS, the ONLY racing title out there good enough to complain about.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Cornys :I finally got tired of getting .02% interest on the money I have saved, so I recently opened a self-directed investment account online for the money I can spare for now.

I bought stocks with it, and I've done pretty well so far. I just invested the money a week ago today so it's really to early to tell right now, but so far I've gained almost 3%

Does anybody else have any experience with investing? I'm curious to know

I was wondering about insurance companies. With Obamacare, the forced buying of insurance should make for higher profits.... But with increased people draining premiums, would those be something to invest in or avoid?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from TFalke55 :Just asking: wouldn't the swimming, gymnastics and skating make up the "fat chick" slinging a hammer?

Actually, my biggest complaint about the Olympics isn't really the events. They, especially the summer Olympics, has all sorts of cool events. My real problem is what the TV networks decide to showcase in their broadcasts.
Here in the States, you never see Fencing or Tia Kwan Do or LOL even the fat chicks throwing hammers. Just Track and field, swimming and gymnastics. every four years. The Winter Olympics are worse. Figure skating figure skating figure skating. Yeah, they do show Snowboarding now. One It's the only snow-based sport the US can win at. and two, It's about the only thing people want to see when they watch the Winter olympics.

Things they could put in the Summer Olympics.
MMA. I prefer Boxing, but MMA is very popular.
Skateboarding. Why hasn't this been an event already?
Bullriding/saddle bronc busting. If you want a equestrian sports, make it extreme.
Dodgeball. LOL I imagine certain countries would have to be watched really close when they played each other.
And the Sport that REALLY needs in? Why Auto Racing, of course!
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :Yup, using your motorbike to harass a car is just stupid. You're going to lose that battle of physical might.

I had heard of people intentionally running bikers off the road. I've heard that story for years, yet never met a person that it happened to. Only.."This guy I know had a cousin that..." You know, like an urban legend.
About three years ago I was riding on my lunch break and a freak thunderstorm happened. It flooded up places in a matter minutes! Well I was in the middle of this thunderstorm going down the access lane to the freeway and the right side was ponded up with a lot of water. I had to change lanes or else that water would get up in my exhausts and that would kill the motorcycle. Well this sorry @#$%% in a white car sees me trying to change lanes. He speeds up so I can't. Then his sorry ass starts to squeeze me in my lane and tries to force me into the water.
We're only going like ...20mph? I slowed to let him pass, he slowed too and kept creeping over into my lane I get a good look at the loser's face. He's all,"what are you going to do?" at me. I was wearing steel toed boots. I kicked the crap out of his car and put a nasty dent in the front fender. His car hit the the brakes and I swerved in front of him, hit the throttle and got outta there, missing the part of the water he was trying to force me into. LOL I had this streak of white paint along my left boot. When I did this, I don't know if it was from the impact or me being afraid of getting caught in his front wheel, but my leg bounced back really fast and banged back into my motor. Like I said I was going really slow too. I don't think doing that at high speeds is a good idea.
Now I usually ride armed just for ****s like that.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :...

I'm not light, I'm not even fit anymore. I'm a middle aged former junkie who drinks, smokes too much and never exercises. I've put on a bit of weight since we met too.

You make that sound like its a BAD thing.
Too bad you're a sexually disoriented left-winger and I'm a hypocritical right winger that's married and a few thousand miles away. We'd a made a great couple!
Women in Racing.......
Hmmm... you know there are quite a few women race car drivers. And they do pretty good for themselves. Especially drag racing. My theory as to why this is so, may be to weight. A woman with the same driving abilities as a man generally weighs less. I dunno. There might be other factors as well, but I'm not a research scientist. ...
you know, it's really hard to comment on this as I'm trying to type and entertain my grand daughter at the same time.

Here. I'll let her comment on this:
cvvcvbbvbv b b
Words to live by.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from jaypur :
I see everyone is talking about graphics and all those things, but I don't know if it's just me, but I can't "feel" racing in any other racing game instead LFS, I don't know why, but it's just like this...
What do you think???? See ya!

The reason for that was in the fourth update in '04. It's subliminal messaging in the coding that makes you think that.
They had to fix that in the fifth update because of the bug in the patch that made some players go out and burn things instead of getting that "feel" you're talking about.

Seriously, I've never played rfactor or that GTR (?) game, but I have played others. And you're right. The other titles have all these graphics, not too bad physics and mods and all but they seem to lack something that LFS has.
Maybe it's because LFS never came across as stuffy like what other simulation games are. I NEVER thought of playing Grand Prix legends multi-player because of that. That hyper serious approach to playing kills everything for me. How could I get into the game if I had to constantly worry about getting banned for doing something that I had no idea was wrong?
In LFS, I don't know how many times I screwed up and caused a massive pile up at the start of races and instead of getting threatened with banning, I got razzed for it and we started over.
Yeah, for such a realistic game, there is a really cool casual approach to playing it online.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Olympics.... Think I'll watch the X games instead. They Totally blow off surfing and skateboarding, yet seeing how far some fat chick can sling a hammer is OK? Man, that sounds like what some of the drunks at the bars I've been to done in the parking lot.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :They may not call it brandishing in Texas, but it's essentially the same thing, and it's still illegal.

Of course it was illegal... I think they were too drunk to care though
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from undertaker00 :i hate bikers
90% of them are idiots,mostly low iq,,,trying to act like "gang"(or they are)

still i dont understand why police dont kill/arrest them batman ...that would be nice.


....Good for you....
Uhhh... AFAIK this was a blue club. That's a club that has cops in it as real members.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :You're missing the point. Yea a single motorcycle will most probably get 'taken advantage of' on the road, so to speak but alot of bikers hate on cars and just take stupid liberties on the road just to play the 'didn't you see me' card.

I have a t shirt that says, "honk if you've never seen a gun fired from a motorcycle. I don't generally wear it as I don't need to antagonize idiots into messing with me, but I will carry the gun.
I carry Ball Bearings for the more discriminating dick holes too.
" I didn't see them".... It sounds like a lame excuse, but sometimes they really can't. That's why bikers have to be the eyes for the other drivers.

Helmet laws... Helmet laws suck! Wear I live, there's really not a helmet law for riders over 18.
I wear a brain bucket. I just don't see why there should be a law to enforce this.
A guy I used to ride with got t boned by a teenager leaving a parking lot and not thinking of where she was going. The poor girl had to pull her POS mother out of a bar and the lush was distracting her with insults as the girl was leaving the parking lot. They estimated the hit at slightly less than 30 mph. If he was wearing a helmet, all he would have had was two broke ribs and maybe a concussion. Now he's six feet under.

Texas had temporarily became a nanny state and reinstated helmet laws for a brief time in the 1990s on Jan. 1st. 1998 (?), my friend's parents were riding on their Harley to a New Year's Day Breakfast celebration. Some sort of group get together.
On their way there, they too were t-boned by a drunk driver - in a tow truck! Only this time they were wearing helmets. Too bad the force of the impact decapitated them.
An interesting side-note to this was that later the tow-truck driver was bailed out by a certain motorcycle enthusiast organization and hasn't been heard from since.

I dunno.. After seeing the video, the club should've let the punishment fit the crime. Sure the guy hit the kid on the bike. If the kid on the bike wasn't riding like an idiot though, he might not have gotten bumped. But then again, the driver had plenty of reaction time to the guy on the bike. If he was looking where he was supposed to be, he wouldn't have hit the guy either.

I've been on ONE toy run. You basically pay an outlaw biker club five bucks or bring a toy to ride in this charity parade that's supposed to show the public that they're not gangsters. During the run, traffic is blocked and you spend the time waving at old people and little kids that are on the side of the road.
One part of the run put us on the freeway. It wasn't all that coordinated at that point, and not all the entrance ramps were blocked properly. Anyways, some jerk off in a car decides they can just go all into us. they surrounded the car and sort of just forced it to the side of the road and proceeded to scare the living hell out of the moron. I just flipped him off and several others brandished guns (Hey! This IS Texas you know and they didn't point them) as we rode past. But no one hit him, hassled him or messed up his car. And I'm sure that he became a better, more courteous driver because of it.